Embark on a family-friendly island adventure! In this farming and exploration simulation, Arya awakens on a mysterious island, encountering a teenage companion, Kyle, and together they must survive and uncover the island's secrets. This isn't your average island getaway; flickering lights, strange portals, and ancient stone carvings hint at a deeper mystery.
Adventure Isles offers a blend of farming and adventure. Cultivate crops, tend to animals, and construct workshops to process your harvests. Unravel the island's secrets through challenging quests, explore the diverse landscapes for hidden treasures, and team up with friends for an unforgettable experience. Discover new maps and explore every corner of this captivating world!
Key Features:
- Island farming and animal husbandry.
- Workshop construction and resource management.
- Mysterious quests and hidden secrets.
- Cooperative adventure gameplay.
- Exploration of multiple maps and locations.
Contact: [email protected]
Version 1.36.95 (Updated Dec 20, 2024): Bug fixes.