Build a civilization amidst a zombie apocalypse! Begin humanity's journey on a planet overrun by a zombie virus. Research groundbreaking inventions and discoveries that propelled civilization forward, and create armies tailored to your civilization's technological level to defend against the undead hordes.
Combat is fully automated. Should your deployed soldiers fall, they'll automatically revive and the stage will reset. Your defenses evolve, starting with primate warriors, progressing through Australopithecus and Neanderthals, culminating in Homo Sapiens. Boost your troops with legendary leaders, powerful artifacts, and advanced technologies to enhance your civilization's resource gathering capabilities. Unleash your strategic thinking with a brainstorming system that lets you combine ideas to unlock new innovations.
Key Features:
- Automated battles
- Soldier deployment, upgrades, and weaponry
- Equip great historical figures, artifacts, and advanced technologies
- Technological advancement through diverse research
- Idea combination system
- Automatic soldier revival after defeat
- Strategic upgrades and resource management
Enjoy the game!