Dive into the captivating world of Fluid Angel DEMO, a time-travel visual novel created by Jennifer Raye. This enthralling mystery unfolds through episodic releases, with Episode 1 launching May 7th, 2021. Players navigate a complex web of intrigue, shaping the future with their choices as they unravel the secrets of the past. Experience a thrilling adventure unlike any other – a journey where you'll be swept away like an angel through time, uncovering the truth behind the enigmatic Fluid Angel.
Key Features of Fluid Angel DEMO:
- Time-travel visual novel
- Engaging, episodic storyline
- Unique "angel-like" time travel concept
- Developed by Jennifer Raye
- Demo available for a preview
- Episode 1 release: May 7th, 2021
Experience the unique blend of time travel and mystery in this captivating visual novel. The demo offers a sneak peek into Jennifer Raye's creation, allowing you to delve into the intriguing story before the full release of Episode 1 on May 7th, 2021. Download now and begin your adventure!