Destiny 2 Weekly Reset: December 24, 2024 - All New Content and Activities
Un'altra settimana, un altro Destiny 2 reset! While the game navigates the period between acts, and addresses ongoing concerns about player count and in-game issues, the Dawning event continues, offering a final chance to bake cookies and earn rewards. Bungie has added a community challenge element to boost rare emblem drops, with over 3 million cookies already baked for Commander Zavala!
This week's reset brings refreshed content, activities, and rewards. Here's the complete rundown for the week of December 23rd:
Calunno: La Guglia Invertita
This week's Nightfall features The Inverted Spire strike, with varying modifiers for Advanced, Expert, Master, and Grandmaster difficulties. Rewards include the Rake Angle Glaive. See below for a detailed breakdown of modifiers for each difficulty.
Advanced Modifiers: Barrier and Overload Champions; Extra Shields; Solar, Void, and Arc; Galvanized; Overcharge (Shotgun and Kinetic Weapons when subclass matches Surge element); Threat: Void; Surge: Void and Arc.
Expert Modifiers: All Advanced modifiers Equipment Locked; Randomized Banes; Expert Modifiers: Extra Shields.
Master Modifiers: All Expert modifiers Haste; Master Modifiers: Locked Loadout, Extra Champions, and Extra Shields.
Grandmaster Modifiers: All Master modifiers Chaff; Grandmaster Modifiers: Extinguish, Limited Revives, Join In Progress Disabled, Contest, Locked Loadout, Extra Champions, and Extra Shields.
Episode: Revenant Challenges (Week 12)
This week's Revenant challenges include crafting tonics, completing Moon activities, breaking shields, dealing final blows with Special ammo, and defeating Guardians in Momentum Control.
- Narrowing The Odds: Craft 5 tonics increasing specific weapon drop rates.
- Moon Activities: Complete bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors on the Moon.
- Popping Off: Break 150 combatant shields with matching damage type.
- Instrumented Performance: Deal 150 final blows with Special ammo. Bonus progress for Shotgun/Grenade Launcher final blows or Guardian defeats.
- Momentum Crash: Defeat 50 Guardians in Momentum Control. Bonus progress with Zone Advantage.
Rotazione missioni esotiche
The featured Exotic Mission is Presage (Dead Man's Tale Exotic Scout Rifle).
Rotazione di raid e dungeon
This week's featured Raids are Vault of Glass and Crota's End. Featured Dungeons are Grasp of Avarice and Warlord's Ruin.
Sfide raid
Varie sfide del raid sono disponibili su più raid, offrendo maggiori difficoltà e premi unici. Controlla i dettagli della sfida specifici.
Attività rituali: Crogiolo e Gambetto
Guadagna ricompense Pathfinder partecipando ad Assalti dell'Avanguardia, Crogiolo e Azzardo.
Attività e sfide legacy
Numerose attività legacy in varie località (Europa, Neomuna, Trono World, Moon, Dreaming City) offrono sfide e premi. Details can be found in-game. Nightmare rotations are also updated.
Rotazione delle sfide dell'eternità
Le danno di questa settimana di caratteristiche di rotazione dell'eternità prese, cabala e nemici Zydron.
Dettagli Xur
L'inventario di Xur per il fine settimana del 20 dicembre include vari pezzi di armatura esotica, armi, catalizzatori e altri oggetti. Check in-game for the full list.
Trials of Osiris: Endless Vale
Le Prove di Osiride di questa settimana si svolgono sulla mappa Endless Vale, con la Domanda di ieri (cannone portatile ad arco dell'adepto) come arma in primo piano.