소식 Raid Champions Tier Guide가 출시되었습니다

Raid Champions Tier Guide가 출시되었습니다

by Emery Feb 24,2025

RAID : Shadow Legends는 700 명 이상의 챔피언의 거대한 명단을 자랑하여 새로운 플레이어가 최고의 경쟁자를 식별하는 데 어려움을 겪습니다. 이 계층 목록은 Base Rarity, PVE/PVP 유틸리티 및 메타 순위와 같은 요소를 고려하여 가장 강력한 챔피언 중 일부를 강조합니다. 이것은 모든 챔피언의 철저한 순위가 아닙니다.

RAID: Shadow Legends Tier List for the Strongest ChampionsRotos, the Lost Groom, a Legendary-rarity Magic-affinity champion from the Undead Hordes faction, is an Attack-type champion. His powerful third ability, "Fated Destruction," ignores 60% of the target's defense, bypassing "\[Unkillable\]" and "\[Block Damage\]" buffs. Killing an enemy with this ability grants an extra turn. His basic ability, "Terror Scourge," attacks a single enemy, applying a 60% Defense Down debuff for two turns with a 25% chance of granting an extra turn. Rotos' effectiveness is further enhanced by the Vitality Plunder skill, preventing the restoration of slain enemies if he's at maximum HP. Enhance your RAID: Shadow Legends experience by playing on a larger screen using BlueStacks, enabling keyboard and mouse control for improved gameplay.

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