Unlock incredible student savings with the Mecenat app! Say goodbye to full-price purchases and hello to discounts on everything you need. Whether shopping online or in physical stores, Mecenat offers exclusive deals at your fingertips. Easily access your digital Mecenat card (which also serves as your student ID) with a few simple taps. Beyond savings, the app provides valuable information on student union memberships, travel discounts, and a handy map highlighting nearby student deals.
Mecenat App Highlights:
Digital Mecenat Card: Keep your student ID readily available on your smartphone – no more fumbling for a physical card!
Student Union Membership Details: Stay informed about all the perks of your student union membership.
Extensive Student Discounts: Explore thousands of discounts at online and brick-and-mortar retailers across various sectors, from fashion to electronics.
Exclusive Travel Deals: Make your travels more budget-friendly with access to special travel discounts.
Local Student Discount Locator: Discover nearby businesses offering student discounts using the app's integrated map.
Engaging Contests and Coupons: Participate in exciting competitions and take advantage of student-exclusive coupons and promotions.
In short: The Mecenat app is the ultimate student companion. Its intuitive design and comprehensive features, including digital card access, substantial discounts, travel savings, and more, make it a must-have for any student. Download Mecenat today and start saving!