Journey back in time with Marvel Snap's Prehistoric Avengers season! This season introduces Agamotto, a powerful Season Pass card and ancient sorcerer, adding a new dimension to gameplay. Let's explore the best Agamotto decks.
How Agamotto Works in Marvel Snap
Agamotto is a 5-cost, 10-power card with the ability: "Game Start: Shuffle 4 Ancient Arcana into your deck." These Arcana are:
- Temporal Manipulation (1-cost): On Reveal: Give Agamotto +3 Power. Put him into your hand if he’s not in play. (Banish this.)
- Wombs of Watoomb (2-cost): On Reveal: Afflict an enemy card here with -5 Power and move it right. (Banish this.)
- Bolts of Balthakk (3-cost): On Reveal: Next turn, you get +4 Energy. (Banish this.)
- Images of Ikonn (4-cost): On Reveal: Transform your other cards here into copies of the highest-Power one. (Banish this.)
Notice the Arcana lack power cost, are classified as Skill cards (not character cards), and use the "Banish" keyword—they're played and removed, not discarded or destroyed. This means synergies with cards like Wong work, but Odin, King Etri, Ravonna Renslayer, and Mister Negative do not. Agamotto's diverse Arcana effects make him adaptable, but also prevent easy archetype placement.
Best Agamotto Decks in Marvel Snap
While Agamotto's ultimate archetype may take time to develop, he currently shines in Wiccan Control and Push Scream decks:
Wiccan Control
This deck (Quicksilver, Hydra Bob, Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, Iron Patriot, Sam Wilson, Captain America, Cassandra Nova, Rocket & Groot, Copycat, Galacta, Wiccan, Agamotto, Alioth) is expensive, featuring many Series 5 cards. However, many cards are replaceable with similar-cost alternatives. Bolts of Balthakk provides late-game energy even if Wiccan isn't drawn early. The Arcana synergize well: Temporal Manipulation ensures early Agamotto access, Wombs of Watoomb disrupts opponents, and Images of Ikonn creates powerful copies of your highest-power card, potentially amplifying Cassandra Nova's effect or creating multiple Galactas. Cassandra Nova's synergy with Eson (another new card) is also notable.
Push Scream
This deck (Hydra Bob, Scream, Iron Patriot, Kraven, Sam Wilson, Captain America, Spider-Man, Rocket & Groot, Miles Morales, Spider-Man, Stegron, Cannonball, Agamotto) is also expensive (Series 5 cards: Hydra Bob, Scream, Iron Patriot, Sam Wilson, Rocket & Groot, Cannonball), but replaceable cards exist. While only Wombs of Watoomb directly synergizes, Temporal Manipulation boosts Agamotto's late-game impact (especially after Bolts of Balthakk), and Images of Ikonn can create multiple Screams or Spider-Mans for devastating board control. Agamotto adds unpredictability and provides an advantage against Luke Cage and Shadow King decks.
Should You Buy the Prehistoric Avengers Season Pass?
Agamotto's power level rivals Thanos or Arishem. He'll likely be a meta staple, causing disruption and frustrating opponents. His potential to form a unique archetype makes the $9.99 Season Pass a worthwhile investment if you have the budget.
Marvel Snap is available now.