Arknights: Endfield Release Date and Time
Release Date Still Unannounced
While an official release date for Arknights: Endfield on PC, PS5, and mobile remains elusive, a significant milestone was reached. The game received approval from China's NPPA in August 2024. This approval grants a twelve-month window for release, suggesting a potential launch sometime between August and September 2025.
Arknights: Endfield Beta Test Registration
Registration for the upcoming Arknights: Endfield Beta Test opens December 15th, 2024, and closes January 8th, 2025. The Beta Test itself begins January 16th, 2025.
Content creators have a dedicated pathway: Apply via the Arknights: Endfield Content Creator Program Vol. 1 Sign-Up Link for a chance to participate and access the creator community.
For everyone else, head to the official Arknights: Endfield website to register for a chance to be selected.
Is Arknights: Endfield on Xbox Game Pass?
No, Arknights: Endfield will be available on PC, PlayStation 5, and mobile devices only.