The Coalition, developers of the Gears of War franchise, have seemingly purged the official Gears of War YouTube and Twitch channels, leaving only a handful of videos. This unexpected move follows the recent announcement of Gears of War: E-Day, a prequel set fourteen years before the original game.
The Gears of War: E-Day reveal trailer, along with a 2020 fan-made video compilation, remain on the YouTube channel. This near-complete deletion of content, including classic trailers and developer streams, has disappointed fans. The action coincides with the studio's apparent intention to position E-Day as a franchise relaunch, focusing on a fresh start.
While the videos might be archived rather than permanently deleted, their current unavailability forces fans to search for them on other platforms. While game trailers are widely available elsewhere, developer streams and esports archives may prove more difficult to locate. The Coalition's decision, though controversial, suggests a deliberate attempt to refocus attention on the upcoming prequel, slated for a 2025 release. The subtle homage to the original Gears of War trailer in the E-Day trailer further supports the idea of a deliberate, albeit drastic, rebranding effort.