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In NieR: Automata, some crafting materials are notably harder to find than others. Among these, the Pristine Screw stands out as particularly elusive. Although not marked by a special color or shine, its rarity makes it a challenging item to acquire. While you can purchase Pristine Screws from Emil, his stock rotates frequently, making it often more cost-effective and straightforward to hunt down machines for these screws. Here are some effective methods for farming Pristine Screws.
Where To Get Pristine Screws In NieR: Automata
Pristine Screws are primarily dropped by Goliath-Bipeds, the largest non-boss machines you'll encounter in the game. These machines can drop various types of screws, but Pristine Screws are the rarest. The drop rate improves with the level of the Goliath-Biped, making it nearly impossible to obtain Pristine Screws early in the game.
There are several reliable locations where Goliath-Bipeds spawn. One such spot is the pit where you first battle Adam, which is also excellent for farming Machine Arms. However, the Goliath-Bipeds here are just above level 30, resulting in a lower drop rate for Pristine Screws. The advantage of this location is the continuous spawning of enemies, allowing for quicker farming despite the lower drop rate.
Alternatively, during your third playthrough, you can fast-travel to the Forest Castle: Front access point to encounter two level 49 Goliath-Bipeds guarding the entrance. These higher-level machines offer a better chance of dropping Pristine Screws, though they do not respawn immediately. To farm them repeatedly, you'll need to fast-travel away and then return to the location.
Both farming methods can be enhanced by using a drop-rate up plug-in chip to slightly increase your chances of obtaining Pristine Screws.
Which Method Is Better?
Choosing the best method to farm Pristine Screws depends on two key factors:
- The loading time of your game and system.
- Your level of patience.
Farming Pristine Screws is a time-consuming process. While the Forest Castle method offers a higher drop rate, it involves more loading screens and less actual gameplay. If this doesn't bother you, the Forest method might be preferable. However, if you prefer continuous gameplay and are interested in farming other materials alongside XP, the pit method provides a more engaging experience.