Hideki Kamiya, renowned game director behind classics like Okami and Devil May Cry, embarks on a new chapter. After a two-decade tenure at PlatinumGames, he's launched Clovers Inc., a new studio dedicated to fulfilling a long-held dream: an Okami sequel.
A Sequel 18 Years in the Making
Kamiya's passion for completing the Okami narrative is well-documented. He publicly expressed his desire for a sequel, even jokingly recounting his unsuccessful attempts to convince Capcom. Now, with Clovers Inc. and Capcom's backing, that ambition is finally realized.
Clovers Inc.: A New Beginning
Clovers Inc., a joint venture with former PlatinumGames colleague Kento Koyama, pays homage to Kamiya's past. The name echoes Clover Studio, the developer behind Okami and Viewtiful Joe, reflecting Kamiya's enduring pride in that creative environment. Koyama manages the business side, allowing Kamiya to focus on what he does best: game development.
The 25-person team, spread across Tokyo and Osaka, prioritizes shared creative vision over sheer size. Many are former PlatinumGames employees who share Kamiya's development philosophy.
Departure from PlatinumGames
Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames, a company he co-founded, surprised many. He cites internal shifts that conflicted with his creative vision as the reason for his departure. However, he remains enthusiastic about the Okami sequel, emphasizing the excitement of building Clovers Inc. from the ground up.
A Softer Side?
Kamiya's online persona is known for its bluntness. Recently, however, he's shown a more empathetic side, apologizing to a fan he previously offended and engaging more positively with fans online. While his signature wit remains, a shift in his online interactions is evident.