Embark on a heartwarming journey of rebuilding and restoration in Supermarket Store & Mansion Renovation! After a devastating natural disaster leaves Enna alone and without her loved ones, she sets out to revitalize her town. This management sim challenges you to juggle multiple roles, from supermarket tycoon to master renovator.
Manage a thriving supermarket, stocking shelves with groceries, baked goods, toys, and fresh produce. Successful management earns you coins, boosting the town's economy and bringing Enna closer to rebuilding her life.
But the work doesn't stop there! You'll also renovate dilapidated buildings, transforming a mansion and garden into stunning spaces. Choose stylish furniture and landscaping to shape Enna's world.
Bonus features enhance the experience. Spin a reward wheel, collect treasures, and utilize a piggy bank to maximize your coin earnings. Enjoy a relaxing gameplay experience with calming visuals and natural sounds.
The core gameplay is straightforward: acquire properties to unlock new areas, renovate homes, gardens, and community spaces, and rent them out for profit. This fuels further renovations and economic growth.
Ready to rebuild Enna's town? Download Supermarket Store & Mansion Renovation today via the link below, or visit the official website for more details. Looking for similar games? Check out our list of the best Android simulation games!