王國來:Deliverance 2擁有一個充滿可選內容的廣闊開闊世界。在探索單個遊戲中的所有內容都是不現實的,本指南詳細介紹了所有可錯過的附帶任務,以確保您不會錯過任何冒險。
材料底漆(下半磨坊,磨坊主)禁止果實(下半磨坊,磨坊主)opus opus magnum(較低的半磨坊,米勒)黑人史密斯的兒子(塔喬夫,拉多萬,鐵匠) Zhelejov)青蛙和小鼠(Tachov或Zhelejov)Troubadours(Zhelejov)找到Mutt!拉基戰鬥訓練1(Nomads'Camp)戰鬥訓練2(Nomads'Camp)Miri Fajta(Nomads'Camp)Bad Blood(Bozhena's Hut)入侵者! (Troskowitz) Melee at the Mill More Melee at the Mill Wine, Women, and Blood The Best for Last The Voivode's Curse (Nomads' Camp) The Axe From the Lake (Tachov) Demons of Trosky (Trosky Castle) Pilgrimage (Trosky Castle) The Lost Sheep Sheep Among Wolves Johnny the Gob Handsome Charlie Casper Carrot on a Stick Canker Bird of Prey Hunting the Werewolf The Lion's Crest
Yackers 'n Fash (Kuttenberg City) Striped Tonies (Kuttenberg City) A Good Scrub (Kutternberg City) Ill Repute (Kuttenberg City) Feast for the Poor (Kuttenberg City) Lost Honour The Mouth of Hell (Old Kutna) Thou Art But Dust… (Sedletz Monastery) Spoils of War (Sigismund's Camp) Hush, My Darling… (Miskowitz) The Thunderstone The Magic Arrow The Heirloom The Fifth Commandment Post Scriptum Kuttenberg Tournament In Vino Veritas Dragon's Lair Bellatores Ars Dimicatoria All's Fair… Popinjay Shoot (Kuttenberg City) The Thieves' Code (Kuttenberg City) Beyond the Grave (Kuttenberg City) The German's Treasure (Kuttenberg City) Teeth in the Bag (Kuttenberg City) Rosa's Book (Kuttenberg City) The Collector (Miskowitz) Fight Dirty (Hroschan) A Moment of Fame (Hroschan) Ransom (Danemark) The Reliquary The Stalker (Sigismund's Camp) Warding Off Evil Under the Straw Hat Tragedy in Danemark The White Roebuck The Peasants' Revolt Something Rotten… Skeleton in the Closet Primum Nil Nocere Nail in the Coffin Master Schindel's Toys Mark of the Brotherhood Last Will High Toll Hammer and Tongs Enough! Absolver Civic usion x標記了位置
此綜合列表涵蓋了《王國王國的所有可錯過的副任務:deliverance 2》。有關進一步的遊戲指南和技巧,包括主要任務列表和最佳振興選擇,請諮詢逃避企業。