首頁 新聞 BioWare 優先考慮質量效應 5,Veilguard DLC 發布存在不確定性

BioWare 優先考慮質量效應 5,Veilguard DLC 發布存在不確定性

by Hazel Nov 11,2024

Veilguard Unlikely to Release DLC Any Time Soon as BioWare Focuses on Mass Effect 5

BioWare 似乎沒有發布 Dragon Age: The Veilguard DLC 的計劃。然而,創意總監 John Epler 已經深入了解了發布 Dragon Age 重製集的可能性。

BioWare 目前沒有Dragon Age: The Veilguard DLC 的計劃但創意總監表示“永不說永不”發布Dragon Age 重製合集

Veilguard Unlikely to Release DLC Any Time Soon as BioWare Focuses on Mass Effect 5

BioWare currently has no no plans for any Dragon Age: The Veilguard "downloadable expansions," according to a recent report by Rolling Stone. Speaking to BioWare creative director John Epler, the online thatmagazine reported that Dragon Age developer have no plans to make DLCs for Veilguard as it was "now complete." Moreover, with Veilguard being officially launched, BioWare has now shifted its efforts to the next installment in its military scio-fi fidse, Massffofmml. >While further details on BioWare's plans for a Veilguard DLC weren't shared, Epler did give comments on what the devs think about releasing a remastered collection of older Dragon Age


, Epler noted that while he would love to see a Dragon Age collection be released, remastering the feeb. 🎜>games

would be challenging as they originally used EA's proprietary game engines. Epler explained, "It's something that's not going to be as easy as Mass Effect, butwe do​​o say never, I guess that's what it comes down to."

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