The GUESS Factory app: Your ultimate mobile shopping destination. Enjoy a 20% discount and free shipping on your first in-app purchase! This app is packed with features designed to make shopping easier and more rewarding.
Unlock exclusive benefits by joining the GUESS List loyalty program. Earn bonus points with every purchase and redeem them for cash rewards. Be the first to know about new collections, sales, and local events.
Personalize your shopping experience. Create a Wishlist of your favorite items for quick and easy access. Can't find your size in-store? Simply scan the item's tag to purchase the correct size directly through the app.
Key App Features:
- Introductory Offer: 20% off and free shipping on your first purchase – a great way to start saving!
- GUESS List Integration: Become a VIP member, earn points, and get cash back.
- Exclusive Access: Receive special offers and alerts about nearby events. Stay ahead of the curve!
- Personalized Shopping: Build your Wishlist and easily buy items, even if they're out of stock in stores.
In short: The GUESS Factory app offers unbeatable value with its initial discount and free shipping. Combined with the GUESS List loyalty program, exclusive offers, and convenient features like the in-app size finder, this app is a must-have for any GUESS shopper. Download the app today and elevate your shopping experience!