Home News Borderlands 4: Gearbox Unveils Exciting Details, World Expansion Plans

Borderlands 4: Gearbox Unveils Exciting Details, World Expansion Plans

by Zachary Jan 22,2025

Borderlands 4: Gearbox Unveils Exciting Details, World Expansion Plans

Borderlands fans eagerly await the fourth entry in the popular loot-shooter series. Early trailers showcased significant advancements, including scale and exploration options, but it's important to note this isn't a fully open-world game.

Gearbox Software co-founder Randy Pitchford clarified that he avoids calling Borderlands 4 "open world," citing unsuitable connotations for the game. While Pitchford didn't detail the specifics, Borderlands 4 clearly differentiates between guided gameplay sequences and free-form exploration.

Nevertheless, Borderlands 4 is poised to be the biggest game in the franchise yet. Players will enjoy seamless traversal across all accessible areas without loading screens. To avoid aimless wandering in the expansive universe, developers have focused on structuring a more engaging and focused adventure.

While a precise release date remains unannounced, a 2025 launch is anticipated. Borderlands 4 will be available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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