Hirako, a charismatic and unconventional leader in the Bleach universe, rose to become a squad captain overseeing strategic operations and combat command after a daring betrayal of Soul Society. His unique abilities, stemming from his Shikai sword, allow him to manipulate opponents' minds.
The Bleach: Rebirth of Souls trailer showcases Hirako's masterful manipulation of foes, sowing chaos and undermining their confidence through his powers. This unpredictable blend of offensive and defensive tactics makes his fighting style perfect for strategic combat enthusiasts.
Gameplay features intense 1-on-1 3D combat, prioritizing dynamic back-and-forth movement reminiscent of 2D fighting games, albeit with limited 3D movement capabilities.
Drawing from the source material, characters can fight grounded or levitate using Reishi, leading to frequent shifts in the combat plane's orientation between opponents.